"A dor é dona da sabedoria e o saber amargo. Aqueles que mais sabem, mais profundamente sofrem com a verdade fatal." - Lord Byron

domingo, 15 de maio de 2016


night fell and now I hear the bells of hell
the bells of hell pounding in the distance
beating on our heads
calling the dead and all the demons
all demons disguised as angels
the dead who think they are living
playing over our heads
announcing the end of it the end of the world
there to see on the hill of the skull
erected on the ruins of the old cemetery
the church eroded by time
forgotten by God
cursed by the evil that inhabits this world
the bells beating on our heads
warning that we have no future
that there is no salvation
hear the bells of hell on the hill of hell
calling the demons
all demons disguised as angels
and the dead who think they are living
the height of his throne of death pain smiles
I smile at those who will die
die because they have to be so
night fell and now you wonder
but you never hear the answers you seek
the truth does not exist everything is illusion
the bells of hell pounding in the distance
beating on our heads
announcing the end of it the end of the world

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O primeiro escritor que deu nome a tudo e criou o universo com as palavras.

O primeiro escritor que deu nome a tudo e criou o universo com as palavras.
Thoth (Djehuty), deus das escrituras, guardião do Olho de Hórus, criador das palavras, escriba dos deuses e grande escritor do universo.

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